Post by Tony on Dec 8, 2010 23:06:27 GMT
As many of you will have seen on the news tonight China is beginning to get aggressive with the West, this was bound to happen due to the West giving China vast amounts of money to try to keep peace with them and once again the West are hanging themselves with appeasement just as it did before World War II with Germany. Appeasement has never worked with world affairs we try to appease Russia China Korea Iran Iraq Afghanistan and it nearly always ended up in more appeasement has never worked on by appeasing Germany we let ourselves to World War II and by appeasing China over the last five years it is going to lead to world war 3. The biggest problem is that once again we have got a Tory government this government like the rest of the Tory governments have always failed to protect the British people will just prior to world War. Scrapping the aircraft carrier Ark Royal just a few days ago was assigned to enemies like Russia and China that we cannot afford to protect our people against aggression from these patients and therefore millions of people will die in world War three as it did in World War II and one.